Sneaky US Navy feedback device could stop people being able to speak

2 years ago 336
Technology 24 August 2021

By David Hambling

A sailor successful  the US Navy uses a long-range acoustic instrumentality  connected  committee  a boat

A sailor successful the US Navy uses a long-range acoustic instrumentality during a drill

David Wa / Alamy

A non-lethal instrumentality developed by the US Navy aims to surreptitiously render a idiosyncratic incapable to speak.

The device, called a handheld acoustic hailing and disruption (AHAD) system, records a target’s code with a long-range microphone and plays it backmost to them with a tiny delay. As anyone who has spoken connected a telephone oregon net telephone that echoes their dependable backmost astatine them volition cognize lone excessively well, specified delayed auditory feedback tin beryllium highly disruptive …

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