How To Write Press Releases That Get You Media Coverage - The Growth Hacking Journal

1 year ago 319


The goal of a press release is to get your company, brand or offering in front of journalists and reporters who can write about it. If you want to write a press release format that gets you media coverage, there are some basic steps that you need to follow:

How To Write Press Releases That Get You Media Coverage

A press release is a short, written message sent to journalists and media outlets. It's used to inform readers about something new or interesting, usually about your company and/or its products or services.

What does a press release look like? The most common format for writing one is:

  • Headline (optional)

  • Body text

  • Contact details

What Are Press Releases And Why Do I Need Them?

Press releases are a way to communicate with the media. They’re used to get your company, product, or service in front of the media and have them write about it. They can also help you build your brand by giving journalists an opportunity to learn more about you and what makes your company unique. Finally, press releases can drive traffic back to your website through mentions by other news outlets who have covered similar topics (which could lead to leads).

So, You Want to Write a Press Release?

If you're like most people, the idea of writing a press release may have seemed daunting at first. But after reading this article, you'll know how to get started on your journey toward getting media coverage for your brand or product.

First off: What is a press release? A well-written press release template is typically sent out by companies or organizations that want to announce an event or new product launch. Press releases are also used in many industries like marketing and advertising to gain exposure for their products and services (especially when it comes time for them to launch).

Why Should I Write One? There are many reasons why businesses should write one! A good example would be if someone from within your company creates something amazing; such as an app or website that helps other businesses increase profits/sales through different strategies they've figured out themselves alone without any outside help whatsoever...etc...etc...

Step 1: Think About What’s In It For Them?

Before you start writing your press release, think about what’s in it for them. What can you offer the press? What do they want to hear from you? Think about their needs.

Think about your audience: who are they and how will they benefit if they read this article or watch that video? Think also about what would excite them as readers/viewers/listeners/consumers (whatever).

Step 2: Nail the Headline

The second step is to write an eye-catching headline.

The best headlines are short and punchy, but still relevant to the story. They're also catchy and interesting—the last thing you want is for readers to click on a link only to find out that it takes them nowhere.

You can use any number of techniques for writing effective headlines:

  • Write about what you know (or think people will care about) in your industry or niche market

  • Use words like "new" or "revolutionary," etc., as adjectives in conjunction with a noun that describes something new or revolutionary (for example: "New Study Reveals How To Boost Sales By 20%.") This makes sure your readers know exactly why they should click on this article over another one written by someone else!

Step 3: Put the Important Information up Top

The third step is to put the important information up top. This includes who, what, where, when and why.

The inverted pyramid writing style uses short sentences with active voice (you) and passive voice (you are).

Inverted Pyramid Example: You can get more press coverage by submitting a press release about your new social media strategy or an article about how you helped a company grow their sales by 8%.

Step 4: After the Headline, Skip a Line and Put Your Subtitle Here (If You Have One)

As you're writing your press release, it's important to keep in mind that the headline is the most important part of your story. So, once you've got that out of the way, skip a line and put your subtitle here (if you have one).

If your title has more than one word in it—like "How To Write news release example That Get You Media Coverage" or "The Growth Hacking Journal"—you can usually make use of an ellipsis or three dots instead of typing another full sentence to fill space between words when they appear together as part of a single phrase or sentence.

The subtitle should be informative but not too long; it should be placed after the headline so readers know what they're getting into before opening up the document. It should also be bold text for easy reading online and print formats alike!

Step 5: Use the Inverted Pyramid Writing Style After the Lead Paragraph

The inverted pyramid writing style is a great way to ensure that the most important information is available to your readers. The inverted triangle consists of three sections: the lead paragraph, which serves as an introduction; the body paragraphs, which break up the subject matter and give it depth; and finally, conclusion or summary.

The following example illustrates how this works:

Lead Paragraph - This is where you introduce yourself as an expert on something related to your article (e.g., "I'm a certified personal trainer"). You can also include other relevant information about yourself or what inspired you to write about this topic in general (e.g., "I discovered my passion for fitness when I was pregnant with my son"). Body Paragraphs - You'll use these paragraphs to explain why people should care about what you have written about (or maybe even what they should avoid). For example: “Studies show that eating fruits and vegetables increases longevity by up 25 years!” Conclusion/Summary - This section summarizes all of the main points made in each paragraph so far before ending with an explanation of how those ideas relate back into society at large (e.g., “Fruits & Vegetables Are Good For Health!”)

Step 6: Use Quotes Sparingly for Balance and Emphasis.

Quotes are important. But they can also be overwhelming and take away from the overall tone of your press release. You want to use quotes sparingly, but not so sparingly that they're ineffective or boring. Use them as a way to add balance, emphasize a point, and add credibility to your message by providing examples from other sources (in this case: blogs).

For example:

  • “This [blog] post explains why [website] is so great for growing businesses like yours!”

  • “In my experience with clients like yourself, I've seen results just like these."

Step 7: Make Sure Your Contact Info Is Easy to Find

When you're finished with your media release example, make sure that the contact information you've provided is easy to find. It's important that people can easily get in touch with you and know who they're contacting.

  • Include your name (and title, if applicable) and phone number or email address.

  • If possible, include a link to a website where readers can learn more about what goes into writing a good press release (or any other type of marketing piece). This will help readers see who created this content on their own terms—not just through someone else's eyes!

Step 8: Wrap it Up With Some Boilerplate Text About Your Company/Brand/Offering.

Now that you have a press release that is ready to be sent out, it's time to wrap up with some boilerplate text. This is the standard language that appears at the end of a press release:

  • Company Name and Address (optional)

  • Email address where our readers can contact us for more information about your company or product/service.

How to Distribute Your Press Release to Get You Media Coverage?

The next step is to distribute your sample press release template through distribution services. This can be done by using a top newswire service, such as PR Newswire or Business Wire. You may also choose to use a PR distribution service like ReachLocal, which offers free signup with no obligation required.

Finally, if you're looking for something more convenient than having someone else do all the work for you (and also avoiding paying for their services), there are many other ways that you could distribute your own news stories through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter as well as partnering with bloggers who want to write about what they've learned from their experience working on projects together in the past year or two (or three).

Learn how to write press releases that get you media coverage.

  • Use a template.

  • Use the inverted pyramid style.

  • Use quotes sparingly and make them count because they can help you stand out from other press releases in your industry, but don't overdo it or they'll become distracting from what's important: what you're saying and why it matters to readers.


We hope these tips will help you write the perfect event press release template

that gets you media coverage. Remember, it’s important to keep an eye on what’s happening in your industry and how other companies are positioning themselves against your competition. This will help you stay on top of things while also creating a unique narrative that stands out from the crowd.

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